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Last Year's Year 6

Welcome to Year Six


Staff team: Mrs Smedley, Miss Lawn and Mrs Peace


This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.


PE Days: Wednesday and Thursday


Year 6's best bits

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5-a-side tournament day

Post SATs breakfast

Rainforest Artefacts

We explored our museum box this week. It was really intersting and quite tricky figuring out what each item was and the uses. We also considered what each one told us about the rainforest. We couldn't believe the size of the Brazil nut!

Well done for completing SATs, year 6! It was a tircky week but the attandance and pucntuality really helped to keep things running smoothly. The children all worked really hard and we celebrated with our traditional post-SATS breakfast and a 5-a-side football tournament. 

Hope you enjoyed your Easter holidays. Last week was circus week and although we had more SATs practise to do we were able to join in some of the activities and they were great! See pictures below. 

We started our geograhpy topic on South American and did some atlas work. 

We had Peyton in WDA for her fantastic work ethic, espically in maths. We also had Matty for a perfect maths score of 110/110 for practise SATs. Well done guys. 

Circus Skills

This week we continued with lots of SATs practise but also enjoyed science week, We learnt about Jennifer Doudna who is a geneticist. She is able to change the genes of unborn babies to eliminate illnesses and disabilities.

We also investigated the electricity usage in school over the week. Mondays seemed to be the highest usage. Can you think why?

Well done assembly went to Riley and Damian for their unwavering enthusiasm in all science lessons. 

We finshed our speeches this week. In history we started learning about Empire Windrush and did some fantastic roleplay and hotseating!

In maths we have learning about fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents and how to convert between them. 

We had Kian in well done assembly for his enthusiasm in our history topic and Kelsey for her fantastic persuasive speech writing. Abbie got a silver always person badge. Well done!

Book raffle winner

This week we wrote some speeches as if we were an abolitionist in the 1800s. We used all the things we have been learning about in our history lessons to help us. 

In maths we continued looking at algebra and missing values. 

Emmanuel and Damian were in well done assembly for great insight into our topic on slavery. Millie was always person. 

This week we have been doing some algebra in maths. In English we wrote poems based on emotions. Because it’s art week, we then tried to draw some pictures that represented the emotions in our poems. Take a look at our pictures above and see if you can guess the emotion. 
We had Xander and Layton in well done assembly for their fantastic art work. Always person was Harvey S and he got a gold badge! 

This week we have been finishing our narrative writing about The Lighthouse. 
In maths we continued to work on ratio and proportion. In history we found out about William and Ellen Craft, who escaped slavery through a cunning plan. 
Well done assembly went to Tyler for his fantastic Spanish and Natalia for a mature attitude. 

Skateboarding workshop

We were able to participate in a skateboarding workshop. It was so much fun! We learnt some tricks too. 

Christmas Party

Fossils in science

This week we have finished writing our non chronological reports on mountains. We also started looking at converting measures in maths. Our well done assembly children were Kian and Ella for a great attitude and fantastic reasoning in maths. Tyler was our always person. 

Christmas decorations

A huge well down to our 8 house captains. They attended the Leeds Youth Summit. Throughout the day the met and worked with two of our local councillors; Councillor Blackburn and Councillor McCluskey. We looked at how to spend £50,000 of the councils budget on activities for young people in our community.

We then had a question and answer session with the Lord Mayor.

This week we had Jess and Paolo in well done assembly. they both have great attitudes in school and are a great addition to Year 6. Well done! Always person was Payton. 

We had the opportunity to have a karate session. We learnt about self defence and practiced certain techniques. It was really fun and some of us are thinking of joining classes.

WW2 workshop

Because it was history week, we had a history workshop. We learnt about the Blitz and even had an air raid siren go off. The children had to hide under the tables. We also learnt what was like to be in Germany during the war as well as Britain. 

This week we have been doing lots of mutiplication in maths. In English, we finished our letters to Georgie from Alfie, who are from our class novel. 

Our well done assembly went to Emmanuel and Kelsey. Well done!


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We climbed a mountain on Tuesday! It was so much fun. It was a long, hard walk but we all made it to the summit and the views were amazing. Well done everbody.

We've had a busy week. We had the lego workshop on Tuesday where we had to build and program our own robots. On Thursday we had an orienteering workshop on the field. It was so mujch fun using the dibbers and checking our best times. 


Well done assembly was Nyle for his great attiude to all lessons and Violet for some amazing war poetry. Always person was Matty.


Lego Workshop

Lego workshop

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We had Abbie and Tyler in well done asssembly today for hard work in all lessons and a great reading test score too. Well done!

Warhol soup cans

Welcome back! It’s been a lovely week and the children have all come back with a fantastic attitude and ready to learn. 
This week we have been learning about place value with numbers up to 10,000,000. 
In reading we have started reading ‘Stay Where You Are Then Leave’. 

Cody and Riley were in well done assembly for a great attitude and some fantastic art work. Well done boys! Always person is Layton. 

Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 6 have experienced since starting school.
