British Values
At Cobden, we ensure we actively promote the fundamental British values so that our pupils leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.
According to Ofsted, the fundamental British values are:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different beliefs and faiths
These values and ideas are nothing new and are already embedded within our ethos at Cobden Primary School through the curriculum and pastoral support.
As a school, we recognise the growing multicultural, multi-faith nature of our school community and the United Kingdom and understand the crucial role schools play in promoting these values. We take our responsibility to promote community connections and cohesion, generate a respect for difference and individual rights seriously.
The teaching of British values sits most easily within our well-developed PSHE curriculum. However, it also links through other subjects such as the Ancient Greeks in history or as an important part of our RE curriculum.
Examples of the ways we promote British values include:
- children take part in democratic procedures when voting for class councillors and work through the school council
- pupils help develop a class charter and are encouraged by each other to follow this
- respect is modelled by adults and is expected at all times
- PSHE lessons which allow pupils to engage critically with stereotypes and prejudices
- RE lessons which teach about shared values that religion can promote as well as learning about the beliefs of others using examples from the children and families within our school community as learning visitors
- cultural days which give children opportunities to experience and learn about different ways of life
- our school values the ‘6 Rs’ and teaching around these values for children to develop these skills
- physical activity and a healthy lifestyle are continuously promoted
- whole school assemblies assemblies which give opportunities to reflect and celebrate success
- assemblies and performances which include guest speakers from charities such as NSPCC
- children are encouraged and empowered to make choice in a safe and supportive environment
- reflective and restorative strategies are used to support independent problem solving between peers
- children are encouraged to raise concerns about being treated unfairly and reporting inequality, discrimination or abuse by speaking with school staff