What have you been doing at home?
During the period of time children will be at home learning, we'd love to see what they have been up to. Remember to send in your activities to our school email and we'll share your excellent ideas with the rest of the school community.
Pelumi has been doing some art and celebrated her birthday
Pelumi has been super busy during lockdown. She celebrated her 7th birthday when she got a scooter. She has also been helping dad wash the car and studies whilst mum and dad are the home teachers.
It looks like you had a fantastic birthday Pelumi with a nice celebration! We love the art work you're doing with the drawing of the elephant! Have you learned any tricks on your scooter?
We can confirm that the drink in this picture is a vintage pineapple and coconut flavoured drink.
The sunflowers are growing!
Our sunflowers have grown so much since week 2 of lockdown. They are now outside and nearly two foot tall!
We wonder if the sunflowers will be taller than any of you by the time we come back? Looks like you enjoyed the sun when it was out - you'd be getting very wet feeding the ducks today!
Josh has designed and created a Dodecahedron
Good morning,
Please see the attached photo of the 3D dodecahedron that Josh has been working on at home. He used a protractor to make sure that his angles were all right. It has taken him 2 nights to make.
I am sending the photos because he can’t bring it in to show you.
Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do and keep safe everyone.
Incredible! This must have taken lots of time, patience and rubbing out? What a tough challenge to set yourself Josh, it definitely amazed us when we saw the photos! Sticking together nets in maths is difficult enough but to construct it all by yourself using the protractor is magnificent! Well done!
A collage of activities from Abbie
Hi hope you are all well. Abbie has continued to work hard at home. She enjoys the different activities on BBC bite size and purple mash as well as completing the tasks set by Mr D. We are both learning lots of new things about different places and things that have happened in the past.
She has also had lots of fun playing and been creative, she is also learning new skills and how to help more around the house.
Wow Abbie! Do you have any time to relax? We love the collages you sent in - there is so much to show what you have been up to! I'd like a go on the slip and slide! Keep up the fantastic work you are doing!
Have a look what Isabelle has been doing at home. We love the newspaper report!
Isabelle has been doing lots of reading. She is currently reading Mr Stink. She has also been designing her game on purple mash which she is going to finish today. We have been doing lots of baking together. We have been doing maths work on products and factors and practising lots of times tables. She has also designed a cake on paper which we are going to make next week. She is on chapter 5 of boom on audio, I have also ordered this book as she has really enjoyed it so far.
Your newspaper doesn't sound too far from the truth Isabelle - who's been feeding you this information. We must make sure nothing else gets out! We've been so impressed with the different work you are doing to keep busy and revising the learning from in school. Keep it up!
Laila the mermaid

What to do in lockdown? Learn to swim of course! What an achievement from Laila who is becoming more confident in the water. Lucky with the weather to help keep the water warm some weeks and then top the levels of the pool up with the rain on others. We are very impressed Laila - you'll be like a dolphin when you start swimming lessons in year 4!
Cooking, camping, story writing and battleships
A delayed update from Lucy and Joseph (sorry - must have missed the email in my inbox!!!)
We hope you are all well. This week Joseph and Lucy have been camping in the garden and had lots of fun.
They have enjoyed playing battleships (thanks to Mrs Willacy) and have taught me and their big sister Ellie how to play too.
Joseph has taken a shining to cooking. He created his own vegetable pasta dish and also made a chicken and vegetable curry.
We have also discovered Night Zookeeper which is an online writing tool (free for 30 days). Joseph and Lucy are really enjoying it and have created some fantastic stories.
Take care.
Camping sounds exciting! We love the pictures of the set up - did you toast marshmallows? Joseph will be an expert at the pasta cooking in year 6 by the looks of things. His meal looks delicious! Who got bragging rights in battleships?
A message from Jack and Archie
Hi everyone. Hope everyone is ok. Just a quick update from Archie and Jack. They’ve both been doing really well with their home learning, Jacks been reading lots of books from the oxford owl website and doing some phonics lessons,we’ve also been learning how to tell the time.
Archie has been working hard on his times tables and reading lots of books. He enjoyed listening to chapters 3 and 4 of ‘Boom’ and doing the follow up work from it.
Archie celebrated his birthday a few weeks ago,and Jack has lost his two front teeth!
Hope to see you all soon. Take care
We hope you had a good birthday Archie! And, even more teeth falling out, this time it's Jack! Sounds like you've been doing great at home boys! Reading is so important and we're glad you're enjoying the books. Boom is one of our favourites in school! These pictures were taken in sunnier times I see - how about creating a sun dance to bring it back out?
Who wants a piece of cake?
A message from Isabelle
Hi I hope everyone is well. This week we have been very busy going for lots of walks we have also been doing yoga. Today we have been baking a cake it was delicious.
That cake looks absolutely delicious. Which was the most enjoyable part - making it or eating it? It looks too good to cut into although, if you need a hand finishing it, you know where we are.
Max has been experimenting with dissolving
Hi. Hope you're all well.
Max has lost his first tooth and 2nd one is also about to come out. So the tooth fairy has been.
We have been learning about dissolving things with hot and cold water. We used Coffee, Sugar, Salt, 1 Sweetener and Gravy granules.
Take care.
See you soon.
How exciting! We have had lots of wobbly teeth with the children who have started coming back to school this past week too... the tooth fairy must be very busy! We love the science experiment you did. What did you find out?
Making the most of the weather
Today we went on another long walk Mason and daddy was hiding trying to sneak up on Lincoln we spotted loads of things while on our walk, we also spotted a lot of garlic ๐ Tomorrow Mason and Lincoln have plans to draw a picture of our adventure once they have got through a bit of school work which they have being doing great with!
We love hearing what you've been doing and the adventures you've been going on. Did you see or smell the wild garlic first?
A message from the Whites
Just a few pics to show what we've been up to. We have found so many lovely places and walks around this area that we never even knew about so we've done plenty of miles on foot. Max has made his garden for Miss Sykes with her in it, we have also been looking at plants in the wild including plenty of wild Garlic.
Anyway take care.
The Whites
I think that's something that has been a positive if there are any - that ability to explore with this time. The pictures look great. We love your garden Max and will warn Miss Sykes to watch out for those killer bees!!
Look at our favourite books
We have our own little library at home with all the books we have bought over the years Mason, Lincoln and now Milan absolutely love reading! None of them have ever been put to bed without a book first they insist on having one:) Mason now takes on the job of reading his sister a bedtime book before she goes up he is such a helpful boy and she really appreciates it. These are a favourite each of the boys.
They are some of our favourites to read to the children at school too! Reading is so important early on and it's great that you have already started that love at reading at home. Keep up the great work.
Abbie has been hunting for bugs
Abbie has been busy with the work set by Mr D, she has read the different poems and we have recorded her reading her favourite but it isn't uploading for some reason, she has also added her own verse to the minibeast poem. Abbie has also been doing the minibeast maths with her dad. We went on a bug hunt in the garden and up at the park which was fun, Abbie also remembered some names of the bugs that we hadn't seen in the garden today but had in the past, she was able to tell me which bug was an insect.
What great weather to get outside and find some of those minibeasts! Mr D is going to be very impressed.
What have Joseph and Lucy been doing?
A message from Mum
I hope you're all well.
Joseph and Lucy have been having lots of fun at home. They have baked biscuits and buns, planted seeds and flowers, carried out science experiments and decorated our window to make our neighbours smile.
Together they are reading The Beast of Buckingham Palace by David Walliams and Lucy has been listening the audio book 'Fing'. Joseph has been reading Beyond the Sky by Dara O'Briain and listening to the audio book 'How to Train Your Dragon'.
We are all enjoying doing PE with Joe Wicks every day and going on daily walks to Post Hill.
Both Joseph and Lucy have adapted really well to staying at home but miss all of their friends very much.
Take care
Mmmmmm biscuits and buns sound amazing right now! There are so many amazing authors reading their books online for children it's great to hear you're making the most of them! We can imagine lots of very athletic children coming back who have following Joe Wicks each day. Did that egg cook in the sun?
The Guinea Pigs get a Manicure

Jack's been doing all sorts!
We are growing peas and tomatoes. We collected sticks and made a love heart and a J out of them. We also collected rocks, painted them and left them on our daily dog walks. Look out for them on the hill next to the school and Farnley Park. ๐
Stay safe
I love those planters made from old juice cartons! Everyone keep your eyes peeled and see if you can see any of the rocks. It seems to be a popular activity rock painting - we've been doing them in school this week too.
Aimee and Nyle VE day preparation
We absolutely love this decoration ready for Friday! Very creative and different. Great work you two!
Lincoln and Mason's brand new box bed
Mason and Lincoln have being doing great with their online school work. We have a new routine at home which has worked for all of us so far. We have a maths lesson after breakfast followed by play time then an English lesson after dinner. Then we enjoy some fresh air and some well earned family time! Then when their sister is in bed that evening we finish off and do which ever lesson is set next that day on the BBC Bitesize page. I’m so happy with how they are doing and working well with me. So we have made a list of things we will do once we’re able to. But for now we have opened one of their sister's birthday presents early so we can have the big box with which the boys made a box bed which kept them all entertained for a good while before we cut it up and made a little dolls house with it.
Sounds like you are all doing a fantastic job setting your own school routine up at home! We'd love to see some of the work you've been doing when we are able to come back. We like the box bed idea - another creative way to use different materials.
Building and gymnastics with Jack and Archie
Hi everyone. Hope you are all staying safe and well. Archie’s been busy helping his dad in the garden this week,they have been making a new driveway! He’s been doing a great job. Jack has been enjoying doing his online gymnastics class, he really misses going so this is really helping him. That’s all for now. Hope to see you all soon ๐
That looks great fun Jack - it'd be great to see what you've learned when we come back. Looks like you've found your calling there Archie! When we need a handyman to help Mr Jukes we know who to call! Hope to see you all soon too
A message from Isabelle
Hi I hope everyone is doing ok. She has been doing the virtual tour of art museums and tomorrow we are going to design an art piece on different artists from the tour. She has also been doing times tables, division and number lines. We have been doing a lot of different short audio books as well.
Sounds like a productive day! I'm intrigued by the art museum tours - send us a picture of your art piece you create.
Abbie had a go at our alphabet story challenge
Abbie buys chocolate daddy eats fast. Gemma has icey juice. Kind Layton moves nowhere. Oliver pulls queen round. Sophie teases us very well. Xray your zoo.
Great effort Abbie! Very creative with lots of different characters.
A message from Ruby and Ellis
Hi everyone !
Biggest thanks again for all the help in looking after us both over the holidays and again now it’s term time, we are missing our friends but have been kept busy in the garden, riding our bikes and going on walks. We also potted up some sunflowers and left them on our friends doorsteps ๐ค (Ruby also a turned 9!!)
Ruby and Ellis X
You look like you some fun even though you had to come to school for some of the holidays! Happy birthday, Ruby!
We think Mrs Willacy might like spending time in her garden...
We've been so lucky with the weather over the past few weeks that, whenever I haven't been in school, I've been spending as much time as possible in my garden: doing my schoolwork in the garden, answering emails in the garden, doing assessments in the garden, writing reports in the garden, playing Times Table Rock Stars in the garden, reading books in the garden (The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell was brilliant, by the way, Year 5!), exercising in the garden, eating in the garden, chopping down trees in the garden...oh and gardening in the garden! Here's hoping you've all been making the most of the weather, too, as safely as possible!
Mrs Willacy
Mckauly hard at work
That is a great little report on galaxies Mckauly! Taught me my new facts for the day. Did you manage to see the satellites and meteor shower last week?
A message from Joshua and mum
Hello, hope you are all keeping safe. We were listening to Radio 2 this morning and the author Onjali Rauf set the daily home schooling challenge. It was write a 26 word story of poem with each word running in alphabetical order – from A-Z.
Here is Josh’s attempt: A bird chirped deeply enraging feminine goose hippies. In June kites laugh making nobody order paths. Quail rustle seven temporary Uruguayans. Vines wrap x-rayed yellow Zimbabweans.
And mine: Andy bought Carol doughnuts eaten fresh gloriously. Heather, I joked, knock Lionel’s massive nut off position. Quite rightly Sue took uncomfortable vests when x-raying your zebra.
Ha! These had us laughing when they came through. What a fabulous idea and one I'm about to magpie and set as a challenge for home learning today. We hope you're doing well!
Elishia has been learning money sense
A message from Elishia and mum
Hi everyone. Hope you are keeping well we are missing you all.
I work for Natwest and I do money sense sessions in school normally but these have been cancelled . We have started doing them online and Elishia has been doing some activities off the money sense website and watching there live sessions on face book!!
We hope we can see you all soon.
These sound great and I'll put a link on the maths page of the website to direct others to this amazing resource. We've had these sessions delivered before and they are really good. We really hope we can see you soon too!
A new nursery teacher... Mr Lincoln
"Lincoln is such a help at home we have created our own nursery tasks for him to do to keep his mind busy (Laughing while learning) we call it. He is taking it very seriously!! He has being calling himself Mr Cattermoul. Being firm but fair head of his big brother Mason and little sister Milan. He is missing his nursery class so much he keeps getting upset and speaking about his teachers and all his friends especially his new best friend."
I'm sure Mr Cattermoul will love hearing all about this Lincoln. It's great that you're keeping so busy and even playing teachers. Maybe they can put their feet up and let you lead the class when you're back - sounds like the firm but fair approach would really work. We are all missing you too and we can't wait to have you all back!
Max has been making things with salt dough
We haven't seen anything like this yet Max! We wonder how big your hand will grow?
Ty accepted the skipping challenge
We were sent this picture of Ty skipping on National Skipping day. Great skipping Ty - we can see the determination and concentration on your face. Looks like you're great at it!
Abbie accepted the skipping challenge
Hi everyone
Abbie enjoyed your challenge set today skipping in garden.
She has been busy all week completing tasks on BBC bite size, purple mash and times table rocks. She has also got better at telling the time her confidence has grown this week.
Each day Abbie has read a story to her nanna and grandad over face time and practised her spellings. We're enjoying the lovely weather and having a fun afternoon in the garden, we have cleaned out the pond a little so we can see the frogspawn/tadpoles better and are going to plant some flowers in the garden. We completed the task of where better to grow seeds, we found that the windowsill was better than the fridge, greenhouse and outside.
Great effort with the skipping Abbie. I don't think I'd manage to skip through a hoop - very skilful! Why did you think the windowsill was best?
Leah created some super rainbows
"Leah has been doing lots of painting and has had fun painting a rainbow for the NHS and also a rainbow flower which she hopes will cheer people up."
They definitely have cheered us up on this dull Monday morning. Lovely pictures Leah!
An update from Archie and Jack
Hi everyone. Hope you are all staying safe and well. The boys are finding it a bit hard at the moment - they are missing their friends and coming to school and also all the other activities they usually do. We are trying to keep busy though. We have been going for long walks in the sunshine and have even been ‘camping’out in the living room and toasting marshmallows on a pretend fire we made. We even had a fake McDonald’s!
They have been sitting outside the past couple of nights snuggled under lots of blankets watching the satellites pass by, we are still hoping to catch a glimpse of the meteor shower tonight.
Stay safe everyone,hope to see you soon xx
Do you take drive through orders for your McDonald's because I know a few members of staff who'd want one!! Amazing that you got to see the satellites - I've tried to look a few times but I can't seem to find them but what an amazing experience looking up and seeing the meteor shower. If you catch it you'll have to let us know.
We are finding it increasingly hard too - missing seeing everyone and keeping busy. Keep up all the exciting activities though and we hope that we will see you all soon.
Mckauly's been busy
A message from Mckauly's mum
Hello all! Hope you all are staying safe!
Mckauly has been working hard on time tables rockstars....came top on the last challenge. His attitude is fantastic! He’s working hard - completing Joe Wicks too!
He’s been learning some life skills also - cooking, use a washing machine (he’s rather good) and he’s getting his hands dirty with his dad in the garden.
Please stay safe - lots of love.
Sounds like you're attitude is fantastic Mckauly helping around the house as well! Looks like you can make a great cup of tea too! We know who to ask next time the sports kits need cleaning.
Look at those bright colours!
How cool do these pictures look! We love the idea of the sunflower planting too. I wonder how big they grow by the time we are back at school.
Mason and Lincoln have been exploring
Mason and Lincoln went on a walk to stretch their legs! They were groaning about it so we made up a checklist each and made it into a nature walk - they found loads of different insects along the way! On the way back through the woods, Mason used his wild imagination and started to play Jumanji pretending that animals were chasing him and he was going to different levels accepting different challenges.
What an adventure it looks like you've been on! Great job getting some exercise and making the most of this weather boys. Jumanji needs a super hero and it sounds like it got one in Mason - we hope there weren't any stampedes on your walk!
A message from Isabelle
"Thank you for the food hamper today. Isabelle has been enjoying doing the BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy - she is finding both of these very enjoyable. We did all about Ancient Egypt yesterday and she loved doing this - she even wrote her name in hieroglyphics. She has also been doing lots of purple mash and rock star times tables and listening to lots of audio books. I hope you are all keeping well and healthy. She can't wait to come back to school."
You're absolutely welcome - we hope you can make lots of nice meals with it. The hampers looked great yesterday and we hope everyone is enjoying them. Sounds like you have been super productive with your time Isabelle. The BBC Bitesize resource sounds really popular. Could you remember any of the hieroglyphic work from year 3?
Kian's grassy head is growing hair!
Kian created his grassy head last Tuesday and already it's growing hair! I wonder how long it takes to be as long as Mr D's...
An Abbie update
Hi everyone,
Hope you are all well, Abbie has continued with some of her school work during the Easter break keeping the routine we have in place to keep us all sane ๐.
Abbie has enjoyed spotting the rainbows on our walks out and about as well as painting some for family to put in the windows.
Abbie is missing her family as much as they are missing seeing her just like everyone else so we decided to mail a hug to each one of her grandparents. It was a surprise for them to receive it in the post and they all loved it.
A random act of kindness came our way a lovely person spotted us practising Abbie's skipping in the garden and the next day he came with a bag full of new toys, he said he hoped it would help with keeping Abbie entertained in the lockdown. We were very thankful and shared it with Abbie's friends who live close by.
Abbie has been amazing during this time, yes she is frustrated she can't see family and friends but she is always willing to do her home learning and enjoying the fun things we have been up to. We're both enjoying this extra special time we get together without the stress of normal day to day life.
We hope everyone is keeping safe, and hope to see you soon.
I think we're all feeling a little frustrated at the situation at the moment but everyone is doing such a fantastic job and these messages you keep sending make us smile with how busy and productive you've been Abbie. How lucky with a bag of toys as well! I wonder if you've seen any of the rainbows that have been sent in to our school page on your walks?
Mason and Lincoln have made their rainbows
Mason and Lincoln have created their rainbow picture to put in the window. How great do they look! Here's a message about what else they have been up to:
Mason and Lincoln have been doing very well! Lincoln has been teaching his sister the days of the week song - I’m sure she will pick it up when she’s a bit older:) he has also been helping mummy feed Milan her breakfast, while making a bit of mess along the way. Mason has just started to do the washing up as he says he is a big boy now and thinks he can do more around the house to help his mummy. Mason has also been helping Lincoln with his numbers and letters - they are doing great team work! We have had the arts and crafts kits out and made ‘well I’m not very sure what the object is’:) but they had fun making it!!
Wow this sounds like you're taking lots of really grown up jobs and responsibilities boys around the house and helping, not only each other but, your sister and parents as well. Keep up the great work!
A message from our guinea pigs
Esteban and Galleta have had a busy Easter. They have had an Easter Egg hunt and spent most of the time outside eating grass.
A message from Ewen and Logan's mum
Throughout this difficult time Ewen and Logan have been trying really hard to keep up with their reading and the school work, we have completed all the school work but still going to continue to do things online.
Ewen did geography with me and well, I am shocked at how well he did and how much he knows! I video recorded him after we learnt things to see what he would remember and he remembered everything! He knows the 4 countries in the UK, he knows the capitals of all 4 countries, and he tells me things I didn't even know. I would send the video but it's too large to send and not sure how else I can get this to you.
Logan has been doing super well with reading, phonics and flashcards and also been practicing his numbers very hard too.
I'm very proud of them both.
They're taking it all in their stride, we are doing lots of fun activities as well as the school work and as hard as some days may be they love it.
Little superstars they are x
Well done, Ewen and Logan! Like your mum says, you are superstars! We all look forward to seeing you both again soon and hearing all about your activities.
Jack and Archie sound like they've had another busy week!
They have been very busy making a circus tent from cardboard,with a little help from Dad. They have also made some salt dough, we all put our hand prints into it then painted them once it was baked.
They have been doing lots of fun learning,Jack is working really hard on his reading and maths and Archie is doing great with his rockstar timestables!
They are really missing their friends and teachers.
Stay safe everyone ๐
That's great to hear that they are being so creative as well as having a focus on some important learning in reading and maths. The tent sounds awesome - have they performed their own show in it? We'd love to see that! We really miss you guys too - in fact we're missing everyone right now! It's really difficult not seeing everyone's smiling faces each morning!
A message from Ruby and Ellis' mum
Good afternoon all, apart from still coming to school (which we can’t be more grateful for!) we have also been trying to do a few activities at home, Ruby has gained a pen pal, walked the dog and found some new places just over the road from us! Ellis has planted seeds and cleaned his bike as well as both completing some work sheets I’ve printed from Twinkl !
Thanks teachers @ Cobden for all your hard work!!
Thank you so much for your very kind message! The staff have been working incredibly hard but have loved working with all the children who are still coming in. Ruby and Ellis have been superb in school each day and we didn't realise how much they've been doing out of school too! Where do they get the energy from?
In school, we've been making guinea pig toys
We used cardboard boxes to create new toys for our guinea pigs! They loved them and we loved watching them test the toys out!
A message from Zack and his family
A message from Zack and family
Hello all!
We hope you are keeping safe and well.
Zack has been a little superstar since the school has closed. Mum was really busy trying to finish her qualification the first week, and Zack has been busy with his work books mum bought, online learning and reading! This week, we have done some baking and mummy got spoilt for her birthday yesterday. We have done painting and clay work as well as writing Easter cards to care homes to spread some joy. There is a list of homes on a Facebook page called postcards of kindness.
Mum has started her new job this week- and Zack is doing a great job of being good and quiet when he needs to be.
We have started to mix up our PE sessions by doing some kids yoga on YouTube (bit of a break for poor mums knees!) we are also hoping to start to grow some plants in the garden this week.
Look forward to seeing everybody’s updates and sending all our best wishes to the key workers and hard working teachers and staff.
All the best,
The Nicholsons
You have been busy, Zack, I hope your mum had a great birthday - make sure she looks after her knees, I feel her pain!
Abbie has been busy again!
Abbie has enjoyed listening to the David Walliams stories each day and spending lots of time in the garden. We have created a colourful path in the garden, painted our rainbow on the window, helped do some DIY work, rescued a tired bee, done lots of dancing, continued with home learning tasks and been very creative. We have also spent time playing games and watching our favourite films.
Keep safe
Abbie and family
Wow, Abbie, you have been busy and creative - I bet the tired bee was very grateful for your help!
The Pawsons have been having lots of fun!
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Just a quick message from William, Jack & Summer Pawson they are having lots of fun at home but still miss all their friends and teachers at Cobden and can't wait to get back. They are learning lots of fun things and also have a fabulous new teaching assistant named Princess (their adorable but rather mischievous little dog) please see pictures/videos attached.
We miss you too, William, Jack and Summer. I think we'll have to see if we have a teaching assistant vacancy for Princess when we get back to school - she's very cute!
Mason and Lincoln have been busy again.
Mason and Lincoln have got through all of the homework pack that was sent home and a lot of the work on the computer too!,
They have being working very hard. Mason has worked so hard he has given himself a break ;) and Lincoln is doing super and can't wait to show off his work and activities to Miss Sheldon.
I think we all deserve a break this weekend, Mason and Lincoln, I'm sure Miss Sheldon can't wait to see your work, she'll be very proud of you!
Flynn's been hatching ducks!!!
A message from Flynn's mum
"Flynn has been busy making a duck diary for when he goes back to school to hopefully show his teachers and friends. So far he has hatched 3 Indian Runner Ducks successfully out of a total of 10, we are waiting for 2 more to hatch today and the other 5 should hatch next week.
He wanted to show Miss Sykes as he was very excited about these ducks before he left school! ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ"
Wow! How cute are they? What exciting times it must be watching those hatch. We'd love to hear what you name them all once they are hatched!
Alannah has been helping mum bake chocolate muffins and they've also made masks and finger puppets. She pretended she was a superhero whilst playing in the garden during the afternoon and telling the story of the three little pigs.
Sounds like you've been really creative with your time Alannah! Those chocolate muffins sound delicious too
The several children who are still in school have created great artwork, been on a bug hunt and made their own bug hotels.
Kelsey has been looking after her little sister. She has also been enjoying the sunny weather, practising her skipping and creating dance routines.
A message from Max's family
Here is some of Max's activities.
PE with Joe Wicks.
Physics with dad in the garden.
Making sealife creatures after watching Shark and turtle feeding live on You Tube
Hope everyone is okay.
Take care
The Whites.
Wow, Max, you have been busy! I really like your sea life creatures!
A message from Mason and Lincoln's mum
Mason and Lincoln went for some exercise early in the morning to prevent bumping into anyone as advised to do so. They ran off some steam at the same time as doing team work on their spring walk around our local area. They then came home and drew pictures of what they had seen and Mason evenn wrote a few things down! He had remembered the 5 senses and tried to write a sentence to cover each.
That's great to hear, Mason and Lincoln, you have been learning lots and working as a brilliant team!
Leah has been very busy!
Mrs Hunter has been dancing with her dogs but itโs all got a bit too much for poor Ronnie!
A message from Abbie
Hope you are all well, I'm enjoying my time at home with my family. I have been very busy doing my home learning, my daily exercises, helping cook, playing outside and checking that my elderly family is safe and got everything they need.
I'm going to paint a rainbow on my window and keep doing my work and having fun.
For my snacks my mum has given me £1.00 a day to spend on snacks at home.
I hope you are all staying safe and well.
From Abbie W๐ฅฐ๐๐
You look like you're working incredibly hard Abbie! We think it's great that you're looking out for others in a time they most need it
Archie and Jack have been busy raiding their dad's plumbing box and making laser guns. Archie has been learning how to strip a wire and Jack has been busy in the sand. They have even had a movie night in the paddling pool!! They brought it inside and used lots of blankets and pillows to make it cosy. They have also been doing some fun learning and are really enjoying the daily PE lessons with Joe.
Thanks for the update Archie and Jack! Sounds like you're being very creative with your time! We are intrigued by a paddling pool cinema - we hope you emptied the water out of it first? It sounds like the Joe Wicks lessons is popular... How many more of you have attempted it at home?
Caryn and Hooper have been making rainbows ๐ and have put them in their window ๐ I wonder how many you can spot around the community if you go out for your daily exercise. Now, that sounds like a challenge!
Sophie, Kacey, Abi and Kurt have been doing a PE lesson... in their kits! I wonder if the next lesson is about how to do the laundry? If not, Mum, there's a tip for you!
Maisie is keeping super busy!
"Maisie has been doing her times tables, practicing her tumbling skills for cheer and also made some gluten free banana bread. Been a good 3 days so far." says mum.
Are those loaves of banana bread available to order? I know we'd love to try some in the staffroom when things get back to normal! Keep up the great work Maisie!
Mrs Head has been doing PE with Joe Wicks but will try his โworkout for seniorsโ next time! ๐ Her grandsons seem to be doing a better job!
The Seeds have been planting seeds!
Grace and Harvey have been incredibly busy using old scrap wood to make some vegetable patches in the garden. The have helped fix the wood together with nails and screws and, once done, filled them with compost. They've planted vegetables such as: carrots, potatoes, radishes, lettuces, courgettes and peas.
As well as this, they've been doing some art and design and some Science.
Looks and sounds like you've been working your socks off!