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Year 4

Welcome to Year Four


Staff team: Mr Duckmanton, Miss Sykes, Mrs Wood, Miss Taylor and Mrs Bell


This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.

PE Days: Monday and Friday

June 14th

A fantastic day out at Temple Newsam. First a look at the history of Temple Newsam, making a class timeline. Then we looked at Tudor portraits. Erika was a fantastic model and Jensen composed a wonderful scene for us to draw. We then made large collage portraits in groups.

After lunch, we looked around the farm before fun on the playground.


May 24th

The final week before half term saw us complete our spooky gothic horror stories. Nicole and Ralph went into well done assembly and Erika got a bronze always person award. Wishing everyone a happy half term break!

To help with classifying vertebrates, we had a visit from Judy. This helped us classify dogs as mammals and had fun with a dog in class!

May 10th

Amy went into well done assembly for amazing friendship and kindness. She has been listening to Aleighcia read during the last few weeks. Aleighcia shared some of her reading with the whole school, being able to blend.

Bella got a bronze always person award. smiley

On Friday we had our sale from our enterprise project. We displayed all of our crafts, decided on pricing. There were some excellent, if rather forceful, sales techniques! Nearly all of the crafts were sold and it looks like we've earned A LOT of money! Next week is the hard work; counting the money and deciding what to do with it?

Getting ready to sell

Ready for the big sale!

May 3rd

We had special workshops about the effect of alcohol. We learned about the law, units, types and dangers of alcohol. We also had a chance to find out how alcohol effects our balance and judgements.

Darcey was in well done assembly for her continued efforts and great behaviour. Casey received a silver always person award. smiley


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April 26th

Well done to Sally and Harper for being in well done assembly for sharing their computer coding. Both made forever loops to share strings containing their names on BBC micro:bits.

Y4 skipping competition

A wonderful afternoon from year 4. Everyone performed wonderfully and supported each other, cheered and applauded everyone else. We left with a fabulous gold award for Sally. Many more children got silver and bronze awards too.

Warming up

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Amy performing the pretzel

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The ‘run jump out team’

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Bronze medal winning team

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Circus skills workshop

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March 28th

Pupils of the term were William and Katya. William was chosen as an always person who is a lot more confident in everything he does. Katy’s, for making everyone smile. 😃 Jacob also got a special award for his progress in stepping stone.

Completing the Easter Egg hunt

March 22nd

Katya and Daniella went in well done assembly to share their Viking Longboat models Daniella also got a gold always person badge. 😀

Making Viking Longships

March 15th

Science week. Great work was carried out by the whole class looking at the life of Marie Curie. We also worked on finding the electrical usage of items in out classroom. William and Jensen went into well done assembly to share their findings and how we can save money by reducing waste.

smiley Riley-Jo was a silver always person.

March 8th

Book week. We spent most of the week making moving books that we are going to read to reception next week. Isaac shared his moving pictures in assembly. Kyle described how to find areas of rectilinear shapes.

Safira got a bronze always person badge.

Reading with Reception

23rd February

Amy and Daniella were in well done assembly this week for their amazing DT work on moving pictures. Jacob was also in well done assembly for the improvement in his behaviour.


Our Always person was Riley-Jo, who was awarded a bronze.


9th February

Ralph and Princess were in Well done assembly for their participation in our lessons for descriptive writing this week. 

Amelia was our Always Person. Well done for earning your Gold badge Amelia 👏 

2nd February

Dalton and Ronnie were in well done assembly. Dalton for a great improvement in his writing and Ronnie for his determination to improve his handwriting and times tables.

smiley Daniella got a silver always person badge.

Friday 26th January

Our grown ups came to see what we had been up to during Art week. They even showcased their own artistic skills!

smiley Reggie and Katya shared their wonderful art work in well done assembly.

smiley Harper got a bronze always person badge.

Intuitive collages- Art Week

January 12

A lovely first week back after Christmas ended with skateboard lessons. Great fun and effort from everyone.

Bella got a silver always person badge. Jordan and Princess were in well done assembly for being happy and trying in all lessons smiley

A huge well done to Alexis and Isaac for being selected as the pupils of the term. Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas!

Ronnie won the reading at home raffle prize!


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Year 4 have been working with Alex from Rock Steady to learn to play and compose on the glockenspiels. Here they are playing and singing ‘Paradise’.

December 8

smiley In well done assembly today were Jordan and Amy. Amy shared her progress with writing, in particular using personification in her own work. Jordan was selected for his progress in Maths.

smiley Amelia was the first person in Year Four to get a silver always person award!

November 29

smiley In well done assembly today was Bella. She has made so much progress this year and got one of the highest scores in our reading assessments.

smiley William got a bronze always person badge.

A day at Herd Farm. We started by finding out about the early Stone Age. First, we made shelters and discussed how to survive.

To survive, we had to hunt for food. Stone Age people would have hunted alone. We had to work silently and sneak up on our prey.

Next was to look at life in the Bronze age and Iron Age. We explored roundhouses and found out how people lived in communities.

To make roundhouses, people would have to make a wattle wall. We hammered in the stakes and weaved using willow.

To be an Iron Age warrior, we had to work in groups. We also needed a loud war cry to scare our enemies.

We ended a cold day with a fire, having lit it with iron and flint.

November 10

smiley Bella shared her great writing about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

smiley Jensen was also in well done assembly for his super skipping

Always person was Aleighcia.

For recycling week, we decided to upcycle clothing. We added, changed and altered old clothes to create a range of weird and wonderful outfits to share with our parents.

October 20

smiley In well done assembly today were Daniella and Erica. Both published their Skara Brae tourist brochures that were full of great information.

smiley Amy got a bronze always person badge.

Making electrical circuits

October 6

smiley Well done Riley-Jo for a great improvement with your writing.

smiley Brilliant multiplication from Amy, learning how to you the written method.

Always person: Kyle!

September 29

smiley Lexi and Amelia were both in well done assembly for their great writing. They both applied lots of the skills they'd learned this week and could explain their choices.

smiley Always person- Isaac

September 22

smiley Well done Riley-Jo. You created a fantastic model of a stone age scene.

smiley Isaac used descriptive language in English lessons to entertain us all!

Year 4 have recreated their own cave drawings today. They used crumpled up paper, charcoal and pastels to create their markings. They even stuck them on the walls to feel like they were really drawing on cave walls!

 September 15

 smiley Our Always person this week was Amelia

 smiley Our Well Done certificates were awarded to Amy for being a great friend and Darcey for a wonderful start to Year 4

Hello again. A warm welcome back to everyone. Looking forward to seeing everyone again on Tuesday to start another year at Cobden.

Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 4 have experienced since starting school.

Pass on a smile.mp4

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