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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five


Staff team: Mrs Taylor, Mr Kaczmarek, Mrs Henderson, Mrs Bell and Mrs Peace


This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.


PE Days: Monday (swimming) and Friday

Week beginning 13 January

We've had a great extended art week (due to the snow) these past few weeks in school. We've taken the theme of winter art to practise drawing pictures of a winter tree. We looked at the idea of Austin's butterfly and how, with feedback from peers, we can improve work. Every single one of us agreed we'd improved the tree drawings over the week. We loved having parents in to see our art gallery in the hall to end the week too!

 Pupils of the Week

 smiley Jordan - developing his art skills to the final piece

 smiley Jensen - developing his art skills to the final piece

      Always Person

 smiley Nicole 

Art week - winter art

Week beginning 6 January

A very cold, snowy and icy week was not what we had planned! A shortened week has been filled with opportunities to get out in the snow and take in the surroundings, leading in to some poetry style writing on Wednesday. We've been using our imaginations writing stories about the snow in English, too. We're hoping everyone is able to get in on Monday for arts week!

Week beginning 16 December

What a last week of term! We’ve really enjoyed some festive work this week finishing our cards and calendars. On Wednesday we had Christmas dinner which was delicious! We had our Christmas party full of games and party food which was great fun! Then to end the week with the Christmas sing-a-long was the perfect way to end the term and see in Christmas. Have a great festive break!

Pupils of the term 

😁 Katya and Casey

Reading raffle winner - Katya

Week beginning 9th December

We've been getting festive in the lead up to Christmas completing some Christmas art and craft activities. In English we have been reading a really good book linked to Christmas called The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. We've been looking at features of diaries and are going to be writing diary entries from a character's perspective next week. We've continued being resilient with our conversion of measures work with some of us becoming confident problem solving when converting is required. We are really looking forward to Christmas singing next week and Christmas dinner too!

Pupils of the Week

  smileyKrishna - great positive attitude towards all his work.

  smileyAmelia - Always giving 100% and being an excellent role model.

      Always Person

 smiley Amy

Week beginning 2nd December

We really enjoyed sharing our Storyful way and Robinwood experiences with the rest of the school as well as our parents and family members during our class assembly on Tuesday. We made our own crests which represented our time at Robinwood to show. We all talked about our highlights and the activities we enjoyed the most. In English, we have been writing letters to say thank you to our activity leaders. In maths this week we've been converting measures for length.


Pupils of the Week

  smileyKyle - being responsible and having a great attitude in all lessons

  smileyCasey - being kind, caring and having an excellent learning attitude

      Always Person

 smiley Alexis

Week beginning 25 November

Great week this week, with lots of time to reflect on Robinwood. We've been finishing our biomes work, creating information booklets with facts we've learned and researched. We loved having parents come in Friday afternoon to show what we have been learning and the work we are proud of!


Pupils of the Week

  smileyOlivia - great attitude and resilience on residential

  smileySafira - excellent attitude in all subjects

      Always Person

 smiley Bella H

Week beginning 19 November

It's been road safety week in school this week. We had road safety workshops from the road safety team where they taught us how to be safe on the road. Most of our week has been preparing for residential this weekend which we have been so excited for! We can't wait to share our stories and pictures with you!

Week beginning 30 September

We loved our Lego workshop on Friday where we used coding to add movement, sound and colours to our Lego models. This year, we first had chance to explore symmetry with our spinning designs, getting used to the programming software, before we followed instructions and made drumming monkeys. In history, we've been researching Queen Idia from Benin which we are finding really interesting! We tried our hands at basketball in PE on Friday - we found it tricky to start but showed great resilience and we all thought we had improved.


 Pupils of the Week

smiley  Ronnie - coding work in ICT

smiley  Sally - coding work in ICT

      Always Person

smiley Katya 

Week beginning 23 September

In science, we've been learning about how we grow and the different stages of growing from babies to old age. We are going to be investigating different things linked to age in the coming weeks. In maths, we've continued our learning on rounding and feel more confident. We've been continuing reading Room 13 which is getting exciting but also very tense - we can't wait to read more!


 Pupils of the Week

   smiley    Riley-Jo - excellent writing 

   smiley    Katya - excellent writing

      Always Person

   smiley   Kyle - silver!


Week beginning 16 September

We've started our class novel, Room 13 which is set where some of us have visited before - Whitby! Our maths numbers have been getting smaller this week as we venture in to negative numbers.


 Pupils of the Week

   smiley    Bella H - excellent understanding of place value including negative numbers.

   smiley    Amy - Excellent effort and attitude in maths lessons. Resilience with place 

           value work.

      Always Person

   smiley   Jensen

Kimmy Cantrell style masks

Week beginning 9 September

Another great week in school this week. We've continued learning about our class artist Kimmy Cantrell and started to design and make our own masks in his style. We really enjoyed our visitors who came to deliver PSHE where we built and flew kits on the school field!


 Pupils of the Week

   smiley    - William - all round great attitude and effort throughout the week.

   smiley    - Daniella - excellent work ethic and produced work taking time and care.

      Always Person

   smiley   Amelia

Kite flying in PSHE

 Welcome to Year 5


Welcome to Year 5 everyone!

Thank you for a great first week - we have had a busy four days. Along with creating our class charter, we have reviewed place value in maths, looked at co-ordinating conjunctions in English and had fun playing counting games in Spanish. 

     smiley Pupils of the Week

          Lexi-Anne - for a brilliant attitude and great work this week. 

          Reggie - for some super work this week and a great attitude.

     smiley Always Person




Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 5 have experienced since starting school.

Pass on a smile.mp4

Still image for this video