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Year 5

Welcome to Year Five

Staff team: Mr Cattermoul, Mrs Taylor and Miss Lawn


This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.


PE Days: Monday and Wednesday


This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.

  5th July


   We had a wonderful colour run today! Well done to those children in Year 5 who      took part, for their enthusiasm and making it such a fun activity.


 smiley  Pupils of the Week

         Logan V and Flynn - both for their great contributions in PE lessons and also for their super sportsmanship at all times.


   smiley Always Person


   June 21st


   smiley Pupils of the Week

         Henry - for outstanding contributions to class discussions.

         Yoseph - for a much more responsible and mature attitude this week.


   smiley  Always Person

         Kian R

On the last day of the half term we were lucky enough to participate in the Brownlee triathlon. It was so much  fun! Everybody did the swim, bike ride and the run and all got a medal. It was hard work but everyone did fantastically. Well done year 5!

     May 10th


      smiley Pupils of the Week

          Logan H - for his resilience and great work with his maths.

          Henry - for perseverance and super maths work.


      smiley Always Person


     3rd May


       smiley Pupils of the Week

            Kian R - for being a super role model and working very hard in every lesson.

            Leo - for a great attitude to his work and becoming much more independent. 


       smiley Always Person


  26th April



    smiley   Pupils of the Week

         Ty - for some beautiful art work using water colours

         Kian FT - for his lovely and artistic use of water colours


     smiley  Always Person

          To be announced on Monday

 This week was circus week in school! The children had a great workshop where they learned the art of juggling, using a diablo and even a trick involving a rubber band and slight of hand. After practicing for the rest of the week they showed off their skills in a whole school assembly on Friday afternoon. There are some pictures below.

   smiley  Pupils of the Week

         Mason L - who wrote an amazing circus poem

         Goodnews - for a really artistic circus poster.


   smiley  Always Person

         Logan H

Showing off our circus skills

  March 22nd

  smiley Pupils of the Week

       Logan H - for showing great patience and resilience during our D + T lessons.

       Olivia FT - for such a responsible attitude and helpfulness during our D + T lessons


  smiley Always Person


  March 15th


   smiley  Pupils of the Week

         Eden - for some super science work.

         Emmie - for a great biography of our scientist.


   smiley  Always Person


  March 8th

This week we celebrated World Book Week with our fun pyjama Tuesday and our open afternoon on Thursday. It was lovely to see so many parents come into school to read with their children. Thank you for making it such a success in Year 5.

  smiley Pupils of the Week

       Flynn - for some outstanding mathematical reasoning

       Jack - for being an excellent role model in the class

   smiley Always Person


   March 1st

 This week we went on a fantastic trip to Armley Mills where the children experienced life as a Victorian school child and child mill worker. They dressed as Victorian's and really got into the role especially in the classroom - which was very strict. We were very proud of them and pleased with such good behaviour. 

  smiley Pupils of the week

       Goodnews - for managing to settle into the class so well this week

       Kian FT - on behalf of the class for such good behaviour on our trip.


  smiley  Always Person


   February 23rd


   smiley  Pupils of the week

         Summer - for being very resilient and persevering with her maths work.

         Harry - for working very well and showing great independence with his maths work

   smiley Always Person

         Logan V

   2nd February


   smiley Pupils of the Week

        Carter - for some wonderful English work which was beautifully presented.

        Mason L - for his great work in maths. 


   smiley Always Person

        Olivia FT


    January 26th

  We have had a great art week this week. The children have produced some super art which the parents were able to enjoy on Friday afternoon. They also had the opportunity to try their hand at a Van Gogh style picture guided by their child. 

Thank you to everyone who came and made it such a success. 

   smiley   Pupils of the Week

     Michella - for great art work

     Yoseph - also for great art work


    smiley  Always Person



    19th January


    smiley Pupils of the Week

         Kian R - for being a super role model within the class.

         John - for trying so hard to improve his writing. 


    smiley Always person


         12th January


      smiley Pupils of the Week

          Mason M - for his thoughtful comments during our PHSE lesson

          Logan H - for his understanding and empathy during our PHSE lesson


      smiley Always Person


     smiley Pupils of the term

           Lily - for being an all round Superstar and improving her maths so much.

           Leo - for being a lively and enthusiastic member of our class and contributing so 

                     much. . 

Summer,winner of the Reading Raffle this half term

Moving cam mechanisms

Moving cam mechanism toys

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

    December 15th


    smiley Pupils of the Week 

         Lily - for some incredible maths work this week.

         Jase - also for really great work in maths.


    smiley   Always  Person



Still image for this video

Robinwood Video

Still image for this video

Robinwood video

Still image for this video

      December 8th


     smiley Pupils of the Week

         Olivia FT - for her resilience and hard work in maths.

         Olivia B - for being an excellent role model and her hard work in and out of class.


     smiley Always Person


   December 1st


    smiley Pupils of the Week

        Mason M - for his great research skills in Geography this week.

        Ryan - for super resilience and focus in Geography this week. 


    smiley Always Person 


 November 24th


   smiley Stars of the Week

        Emmie - for real perseverance with her maths work and being successful this week.

        Jase - for great maths work.


   smiley Always Person


  November 10th


  smiley Stars of the Week

     Logan V - for showing great resilience particularly with his maths work.

     Leo - for a good attitude towards his learning this week.

   smiley Always Person


    October 20th  


smiley  Stars of the Week

        Emily - for her enthusiasm and for making a great box in recycling week.

        Jack - for really getting involved in recycling week and making a great box.


smiley  Always person

       Kian R  

  October 13th

  smiley Stars of the Week

    Eden - for being an excellent role model.

    Summer - for being a great role model and showing great perseverance.

  smiley Always Person


  October 6th

   smiley Stars of the Week

  Max - for his brilliant attitude in class and great work, a super role model.

  Ty - also for his great attitude towards his work and for being a fantastic role model. 

   smiley  Always Person


September 29th


smiley Stars of the Week 

 Michella - for great maths work this week

 Kian F - for some amazing maths


smiley Always Person


September 22nd

This week the children took part in a coding workshop using Lego to create a moving model, In order to succeed they had to listen carefully and follow detailed instructions.  They thoroughly enjoyed the session and everyone managed to produce a model. Well done Year 5!

smiley Stars of the Week    

     Lucan - for great work in the Lego Workshop

     Mason Lyons - for a great attitude towards his learning this week.

smiley Always Person

      Olivia Black

September 15th


smiley Stars of the Week

Emily - for contributing really well in our English lessons and trying very hard with her writing.

Flynn - for giving us some amazing vocabulary ideas in English. 

September 8th

Welcome back to the start of another school year. We are looking forward to many exciting activities and experiences with the children. 


 smiley Stars of the Week ​​​​​

Carter - For a great first week showing enthusiasm and working really hard. 

Henry - For some excellent answers and explanations in our reading lessons.

smiley Always Person

Emmie - well done!

Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 5 have experienced since starting school.
