Year 5
Welcome to Year Five
Staff team: Mrs Taylor, Mr Kaczmarek, Mrs Henderson, Mrs Bell and Mrs Peace
This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.
PE Days: Monday (swimming) and Friday
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to Year 5 everyone!
Thank you for a great first week - we have had a busy four days. Along with creating our class charter, we have reviewed place value in maths, looked at co-ordinating conjunctions in English and had fun playing counting games in Spanish.
Pupils of the Week
Lexi-Anne - for a brilliant attitude and great work this week.
Reggie - for some super work this week and a great attitude.
Always Person
Getting ready to sell
Ready for the big sale!
Amy performing the pretzel
The ‘run jump out team’
Bronze medal winning team
Circus skills workshop
Completing the Easter Egg hunt
Making Viking Longships
Reading with Reception
Intuitive collages- Art Week
Year 4 have been working with Alex from Rock Steady to learn to play and compose on the glockenspiels. Here they are playing and singing ‘Paradise’.
Making electrical circuits
Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 5 have experienced since starting school.