This Week at Cobden
Friday 17th January
This week has been very different to last week, thank goodness! We have had Art Week throughout school and this afternoon it was lovely to see so many parents come and visit our amazing Cobden Art Gallery. The work displayed looked lovely and showed so much skill, what a talented team we have here!
Next week we move from being artists to authors with a visit from an author called James Campbell who will be doing assemblies for all children.
Mrs Head
Our Winter Walk of Art!
Friday 10th January
Well, what a happy new year this week has been! I don't think we've ever had a snow closure on the first 2 days of term before so thank you to everyone for your support and understanding with this. Let's hope the forecast for milder temperatures over the weekend is accurate and the snow and ice disappear.
A newsletter for this term with more detail is coming out on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Head
Friday 20th December
Well, we've made it to the end of 2024!
We have just finished our Christmas singalong, which is always one of the highlights of the year and gets Christmas off to a great start.
Thank you to all our wonderful staff for all their hard work this term, thank you parents for your support for the school and thank you pupils for making this a great place to come every day.
Have a fantastic Christmas and here's to a healthy, happy and successful 2025.
Mrs Head
Friday 13th December
Well Friday the 13th hasn't been bad so far, so let's hope it stays that way!
Assembly was very different this morning as everyone had their lovely festive jumpers on, so it was very glittery and sparkly.
Santa came to visit on Wednesday and brought everyone a treat from Greggs - thank you Santa and thank you Greggs, they were delicious. The younger children were very excited to see Santa and his two elves who had come to help.
The Nursery and Reception children were amazing in their Nativity performance - I never knew sheep could dance so well!
One more week until the Christmas break - next week we will be having parties, Christmas dinner and our famous Cobden singalong where we hope to see you all.
Mrs Head
Friday 6th December
Christmas is definitely here at Cobden as we now have our lovely Christmas tree up. We aim to have decorations on there from every child in school. As I walk round school there are some lovely Christmas cards being made.
In assembly this morning, we said goodbye to Miss Channa as she retires after working at Cobden for almost 20 years. I'm sure you will join me in wishing her a long, happy and healthy retirement. We welcome Miss Punchard to our staff team who will take over Miss Channa's teaching assistant role in KS1.
Please remember next week:
- Y3 are on a school trip to the Discovery Centre on Monday morning
- A panto is visiting school on Tuesday morning to perform for the whole school
- Nursery and Reception children will be performing their Nativity for parents on Wednesday at 2.00
- Friday is Christmas Jumper Day for all children and staff
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Head
Our lovely Christmas Tree
Friday 22nd November
Well, who would have thought it? The weather forecast last week was right! It's been very cold and this morning was very slippery and icy. Mr Kaczmarek has messaged to say Y5 have arrived safely on their residential but it's very cold up there on the moors of Todmorden; there'll be lots of hot chocolate this weekend I think!
We've all had road safety lessons this week and some children were chosen for well done assembly this morning for their work on this.
Last week I mentioned that Mr Jukes was ordering the Christmas tree and this week as I type this I'm listening to Nursery and Reception practise their Christmas performance. It sounds as lovely as always so make sure you keep the afternoon of 11th December free if you have children in these classes, you definitely don't want to miss it!
Mrs Head
Friday 15th November
This week we have been focusing on Anti-Bullying Week throughout the whole school. The children have produced lots of lovely work and we will be using their thoughts and ideas to update our Anti-Bullying policy.
I have just been into the office and Mr Jukes was ordering our Christmas Tree - I can't believe it's only 5 weeks until we break up for Christmas! Make sure you check the diary dates on the most recent newsletter so you don't miss any of our Christmas festivities. The weather forecast is also very wintry, with snow and ice predicted next week so please make sure children have warm coats and wear suitable footwear with a change of indoor shoes too. Mrs Kirby can help with this if you are struggling financially.
Let's hope it's cleared up before Y5 go to Robin Wood next Friday!
Mrs Head
Friday 25th October
It's been a long half term and we're all ready for a week off! It's an exciting couple of weeks coming up for children with Trick or Treating and Bonfire Night but please stay safe during this time. We chatted in assembly this morning about safety and things to consider so I hope everyone is back safe and sound after the half term.
We return to school on 4th November, have a great week, everyone.
Mrs Head
Friday 18th October
It's been another busy week at Cobden. All classes have had a recycling challenge to make something to wear out of recycled materials. Some children brought the things they had made into Well Done Assembly this morning - we had an amazing jacket from Y6, some footwear from Y4 and a very glamorous bag from Y2! It was also Harry Potter Day yesterday so there was lots of dressing up and fun inventing magical creatures. Y3 have had a visit to Leeds Museum as part of their Ancient Egypt topic which sounds like it was good fun.
Mrs Head
Friday 4th October
It's been a busy two weeks at Cobden with lots going on and there is more on the calendar before half term too. The whole school has had skateboarding workshops, the book fair was a great success as was the coffee afternoon for parents. This week we have had story writing workshops and Lego workshops - I really enjoyed my afternoon of Lego with Y1, I was amazed at what they could do! Y2 went to see Farnley Hall and coming up Y6 are climbing Pen-y-ghent and having a World of Work Day, Y3 are visiting Leeds Museum and having their class assembly and we have Recycling Week and Harry Potter Day to look forward to - we'll certainly need half term for a rest!
Mrs Head
Friday 20th September
Well, we have a new friend at Cobden called Walter. He's a lovely cat who apparently likes to wander around the neighbourhood making friends and has certainly made friends here! I looked down this morning and, there he was, exploring my office!
The teachers are currently planning parents' evening, which is next Wednesday so please make sure you get an appointment to see how your children have settled in to their new classes. You can come in to school or book a phone call so we look forward to speaking to as many of you as possible.
Mrs Head
Our new friend, Walter!
Friday 13th September
Well I hope your Friday 13th hasn't been too unlucky! We had a lovely Well Done Assembly this morning with lots of lovely work to see along with great behaviours and attitudes. We have also had super attendance, with two classes achieving 100% all week - well done Y1 and Y3!
Don't forget, next Wednesday is photographs for the children so if you want any siblings in the photo that are not in school you can come first thing in the morning for a family photo.
Mrs Head
Tuesday 3rd September
Welcome back to our new school year, I hope you all had a lovely summer, why do holidays seem to pass so quickly?! I had a lovely week in Corfu relaxing in the sun but wasn't surprised that it was pouring down with rain when we flew back into Leeds!
We look forward to having Reception Class back tomorrow and Nursery next week and it was lovely to see Y1-Y6 in assembly this morning. Every child had uniform on and looked smart, I am very proud of our Cobden Team!
Mrs Head
Friday 28th June
Another busy week has flown by.
We were really proud of the 30 children who attended the Olympic Event at John Charles Centre on Monday as they were bronze medal winners and also won the tug-of-war competition!
I enjoyed Y4’s class assembly on Tuesday which showed all the knowledge they have learnt about British Values. Y1 also had a great trip to Abbey House Museum as part of their history topic this term.
Don’t forget next week is Sports Day on Wednesday and the Colour Run on Friday.
Mrs Head
Friday 21st June
It's been a busy fortnight in school, especially for staff as we have had 4 school improvement visits. I'm happy to say they all went really well and we have had some pleasing reports.
It's the time of year for trips out of school too. Nursery had a lovely day at Ponderosa, Y4 visited Temple Newsam and Y5 went to New Hall Farm. Most of the other classes have got things coming up before the end of term.
It's actually forecast some sun for next week so please remember sun cream, hats and water bottles for the children and please make sure they still wear uniform; it's not an excuse to wear beach clothes just because the sun has finally come out!
Mrs Head
Friday 7th June
Is it really June? Mrs Willacy and I have got the heater on in our office!
I hope everyone had a lovely half term, I managed to spend some time with my grandsons which was lovely but I know a lot of the teachers spent their half term writing reports so be kind to them this week!
It's a busy time of year approaching so watch out for the newsletter that I will try my best to send out next week.
Mrs Head
Friday 24th May
It's the last day of this half term so we will all be having a week off next week. I hope everyone has a great holiday and comes back with lots to tell us about. I have been talking to some of the children at lunch time who were telling me about plans for birthday parties, sleepovers and trips to the seaside. I'm sure I'll be having my grandsons for sleepovers so let's hope we have a nice sunny week so they can play outside and run some energy off!
Don't forget, Monday 3rd June is a training day so school is closed for children and they will return on Tuesday 4th.
Happy Half Term, Everyone!
Mrs Head
Monday 20th May
We are in the last week of this half term already, it seems to have flown by but I have no doubt the half term holiday will fly by even quicker!
Last week was SATs week for Y6 and the staff thought the tests were very challenging, especially reading and maths reasoning, but the children did their best which is all we ask of them.
Today in assembly we looked at ideas for changing our school logo as Y4 had discussed it a couple of weeks ago. Lots of children showed their ideas and discussed them with the whole school. We now have a difficult decision of drawing up a shortlist and then choosing a design or maybe aspects from a few designs. Watch this space!
Mrs Head
Friday 10th May
Another week has flown by and it has been lovely to see our grounds used so well in the sunny weather with children playing and exploring in different areas.
Year 6 have their SATs next week and have been working so hard with practice tests since Easter. Parents of Y6 please remember they need to be in school on time and every day. They can come along to breakfast club for a free breakfast all week to help them get a good start to the day.
Mrs Head
Friday 3rd May
The last couple of weeks seem to have been spent in meeting after meeting which I never like as I don't see as much of the children as I like to! Mr Kaczmarek did Well Done Assembly this morning and his highlight was seeing how proud the older children were when their younger brothers and sisters were being mentioned.
We have only got one more (shorter) week until our Y6 children do their SATs so attendance for them is even more important than ever. They have been practising with previous papers and we have had some great scores - keep going Y6, not long now!
It is a Bank Holiday on Monday so let's hope we have some lovely weather so we can enjoy our long weekend.
Mrs Head
Friday 19th April
Our first week of Summer Term has been Circus Week which has been fun. All children have practised circus-related skills and completed work in all curriculum areas. This afternoon there has been a special circus assembly where each class have shared their learning and skills with the rest of the school. Check out the class pages for pictures of our circus fun!
Although this is the start to Summer Term, the weather has still been very cold, wet and wintery so let's hope it brightens up soon. Have a great weekend.
Mrs Head
Friday 29th March
We have had such a busy week I am writing this at home on Good Friday! It was lovely to see so many parents joining us for Easter crafts which was a reward for families with good attendance this term. This will reset next term so I hope we have more children and families able to join us as we will have, hopefully, put all the winter bugs and colds behind us! It was very impressive to see 10 children have got 100% attendance for the whole year so far - well done to them and thank you to parents as we can't achieve this without your support.
Our Pupils of the Term were also celebrated in assembly yesterday. This was achieved for a number of reasons - excellent work, great, attitudes, progress to name but a few.
My favourite part of the week, and a great ending to the term was Cobden's Got Talent. What amazing talents our children have! We had singing, dancing, gymnastics, artwork, and sports skills on display. I would never be brave enough to sing a solo in front of the school (I don't think anyone would want to hear me either! ). We decided a couple of years ago that it was too hard to choose a winner, so everyone who took part was given a lovely chocolatey prize - well done to all our performers!
Have a lovely holiday, everyone, see you on 15th April.
Mrs Head
Friday 22nd March
As we get towards the end of every term, some things often seem to drift. We have noticed a lot of children not wearing school colours this week and lots of children wearing earrings that dangle. Bright colours and jewellery need to be saved for the weekend, please. We don't want jewellery getting lost and we definitely don't want any injuries from earrings being caught during playtimes or PE lessons.
It is the last week of term next week so a busy one with lots to do! Look out to see if your child is having an attendance reward or one for behaviour. They may even be a Pupil of the Term or starring in Cobden's Got Talent! I look forward to seeing lots of you all next week to join in these celebrations.
Mrs Head
Friday 15th March
It has been Science Week this week in school and we have been looking at the impact of female scientists on our lives. From nursery children learning about Jane Goodall and her work with chimpanzees to Y6 children having ethical discussions about genetic research, it has been a really interesting week. We have also looked at electricity in all classes but I am not sure I want to know the results of Y6 monitoring our electricity usage in school!
Mrs Head
Friday 8th March
It's been a fantastic week of reading and books this week. Instead of World Book Day, we have had Cobden Book Week. We have had guest readers coming in, some of whom enjoyed themselves so much they have asked if they can volunteer on a regular basis to read with the children. I was sorry I was on a course on Tuesday as I missed coming to school in my pyjamas for Bedtime Story Day - I also missed Mr Cattermoul falling asleep in assembly!
Every child came home with a book so I hope they have enjoyed sharing them at home with their families. It was lovely to see lots of parents coming in to share books on Thursday too. I have also started sharing a book that I enjoy reading in our Monday assembly and lots of these have been borrowed by the children which is great to see.
We all love reading at Cobden!
Mrs Head
Friday 1st March
It's March already, this year seems to be flying by! It's been a busy week - the Y3/4 football team were in a tournament on Tuesday, Leeds United staff did a workshop with Y6 on Wednesday and Y5 visited Armley Mills on Thursday. I'm told the Victorian teacher at Armley Mills was very strict and had a cane - let's hope Mr Cattermoul and Mrs Taylor don't get any ideas!
Next week is World Book Day but we are having Book Week at Cobden so make sure you remember your pyjamas on Tuesday for Bedtime Story Day! We have some guest readers visiting and on Thursday afternoon it would be lovely to see lots of parents coming in to read with the children.
Mrs Head
Friday 23rd February
Some KS2 children started the week and this half term by travelling to Sheffield to represent our school in Young Voices. It's a very long day for them but I'm told they sang well and the staff who went (thank you Mrs Taylor and Henderson!) were proud.
Assembly was lovely this morning with children being chosen for lots of different things - work across the curriculum, behaviour and good attitudes - well done, everyone, keep it up for the rest of this half term!
Mrs Head
Friday 9th February
Here we are at half term already - it has been a short half term but a very busy one. Thank goodness we have only had one day of snow that only caused a little bit of disruption yesterday.
I spent a long time yesterday looking at attendance for all pupils as it is very low. We have 32 pupils who have less than 80% attendance, which is classed as "persistent absence". Several of these have low attendance due to poor punctuality, and would be on track if they hadn't been late so often. Please make sure your child comes to school on time every day, any missed time can have such an impact on their future.
Have a lovely half term holiday, everyone. I hope you all get lots of Valentine's surprises!
Mrs Head
Friday 2nd February
Although it isn't Safer Internet Day until next week, all classes have had workshops about this during the week. The children should all know how to keep themselves safe online but it is good to keep checking this with them and checking parental controls.
I have been in a lot of lessons this week and today I was joined by some governors too. We saw a lot of pleasing things through school and governors commented on how they could see there has been a big, positive change in learning behaviours. I am so pleased they could see this as it is something all staff and children have worked hard on. Keep it up, everyone!
Mrs Head
Friday 26th January
It was lovely to see so many parents in school this afternoon looking at the work the children have done during our Art Week. The children and staff have enjoyed focussing on art and have looked at how art can be used as a therapy and to help us be mindful. Miss Sykes, our Art Lead in school, led a special Well Done Assembly this morning; it must have been really difficult for the teachers to choose just two pupils with so much amazing work on display throughout school.
In our Monday morning assembly next week I have asked the children to think about what type of art they like best and whether they have a favourite artist so it would be nice if you could talk to them about this over the weekend.
Mrs Head
Friday 19th January
Well it has certainly been wintry this week, we haven't spent much time outdoors, have had a few slips and falls on the way to/from school, broken heating and even had a road crash outside on Wednesday afternoon! I think we all need a relaxing weekend in the warm with a large hot chocolate!
Even though it has been cold and there have been some temporary changes to routines, the children have all coped well and have continued to work hard. In assembly this morning it was lovely to hear how so many children help their friends with learning and behaviour, which shows they have learnt really well themselves and can now pass on their knowledge.
Mrs Head
Friday 12th January
Happy New Year and welcome back to a new school term! I hope everyone had a lovely break, the children were very excited to talk about it when they returned.
This half term is a very short one with only four weeks left until half term so we have a lot to fit in to a short time. There was a lot of super work and behaviour on display in our Well Done Assembly this morning and it was pleasing to hear how several pupils had changed their attitude since coming back on Monday. Keep it up, everyone!
Mrs Head
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Friday 15th December
Christmas has come to Cobden this week! We practised all the songs for our end of term singalong with Mr Mosey on Tuesday; I hope you can come and join us next Friday for a festive end to the term. On Wednesday our Nursery and Reception children had their Nativity - "Robin's So Excited" - which was amazing and it was great to see so many parents and family members enjoying the performance. The children and staff all look very merry and festive today in their Christmas jumpers. Assembly was very different, instead of looking at a school full of blue jumpers it was bright and colourful and extremely Christmassy!
Next week children will have parties in class and I'm hoping to see lots of parents at our Family Christmas Dinner and singalong. We will also find out who our Pupils of the Term are and how many children have achieved 100% attendance this term.
Mrs Head
Friday 1st December
As I am sitting and typing this, I am listening to the lovely Christmas singing in the hall as Cobden make a bid for the Christmas number 1 with our CD of Christmas songs - move over Mariah Carey! Even the staff will be adding a track after school so watch out for your opportunity to buy the recording; what a super background to your Christmas morning, the staff of Cobden singing!
As it is the 1st December, we have started our attendance drive for the next 2 weeks. All children who arrive on time will be given a house point, if they attend on time every day right until the last day of term they will be given extra house points and will be entered into a draw to win a fantastic family prize.
Mrs Head
Friday 24th November
We have had another busy week at Cobden. We had fun practising all our Christmas songs on Tuesday and it was great to see Mr Mosey back in school. All classes had some taster sessions in karate yesterday. Today Y4 and Y5 are out on school trips. Year 4 have been at Herd Farm for the day to support their learning about the Iron Age. It's a big day for Year 5 as they head off to Robin Wood for the weekend; there was a mixture of nerves and excitement this morning and that was just the parents waving them off! I'm sure they will have a fantastic time as always and I'll be here to welcome them back on Sunday afternoon. Big thanks to Mr Kaczmarek, Mr Cattermoul and Mrs Smedley for giving up their weekends to support the trip.
Mrs Head
Friday 17th November
We have had a staff training day today so the children have had a nice long weekend! We have had a week of doing lots of things relating to Anti-Bullying Week which started with Odd Socks Day on Monday - a very colourful start to the week. We also put the finishing touches to our new staffroom which is in the old ICT suite as it is a much brighter, bigger room. Staff wellbeing is very important to us and giving them a nice space to take a break in is something we have wanted to change for a while. Remember happy staff = happy children!
Mrs Head
Friday 10th November
It was lovely to see everyone return after half term. The children were all excited to tell us all about the fun they had had on Halloween and Bonfire Night! This week a lot of classes have been talking about Remembrance Day and the significance of poppies. We held a minute's silence this morning at 11.00. Y6 have been out and about all week on the bikes doing "Bikeability". The poor things got cold and wet almost every day they were out there!
Next week is Anti-Bullying Week so don't forget to wear your odd socks on Monday!
Mrs Head
Friday 27th October
We made it to half term! Eight weeks is a very long time for the first half term of a school year and we all deserve a rest!
It has been History Week this week and on Wednesday we had a day where we all dressed up as a person from history. Everyone looked fantastic and some children really went the extra mile and had researched the person who had inspired them. We gave prizes out for the best outfits this morning but it was a very hard decision to make!
We break up today for a week and during this week we will have Halloween and Bonfire Night. Please be safe everyone, have fun but look after yourselves and have a great half term.
Mrs Head
Stay safe during half term!
Friday 20th October
It has been Recycling Week this week and the children have done some amazing work on this. It was lovely to see so many parents come in this afternoon to see the work that had been done around school.
Year 5 did an amazing rendition of "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi in assembly this morning which has been their music topic this term. The singing was great and there were some excellent air guitars too!
Mrs Head
Friday 13th October
Fortunately, it hasn't been an unlucky Friday 13th at Cobden! I have had lots of visits from children bringing their good work to show me - I might need to order more stickers I'm going through so many. Y6 did a fantastic class assembly on Tuesday, I couldn't believe how much work they had managed to get through in just 5 weeks. We have been thinking about mental health too as it was World Mental Health Day on Tuesday. It was good to hear that the children all knew they had lots of people in school that they could talk to if they had an issue.
Mrs Head
Friday 6th October
We had a visit from our School Improvement Adviser this week and she was very impressed with what she saw when she walked round school. The atmosphere was very calm and all children were engaged with their learning. She also spent some time in Stepping Stones and talked to the children in their about managing their emotions.
It was lovely to see that most parents had chance to talk to their child's teacher either in person or over the phone for parents' evening. We would love to hear your feedback on how you found the new system - did you prefer a phone call? Would you like parents' evening to be face to face? Do you prefer the option of one or the other? Please let us know so that we can bear this in mind when planning the next parents' evening.
Mrs Head
Friday 29th September
It's been such a busy, whirlwind start to the term that this is a very late welcome back to everyone!
I know lots of you had lovely holidays and visited some interesting places. The children have settled in well back to school life and learning. I've had to restock my stickers I've seen so much good work!
Next week is parents' evening so please make sure you hand your slips in to get your preferred slot so you can see the amazing work that is happening too.
Mrs Head