Year 3
Welcome to Year Three
Staff team: Mrs Hawcroft, Mrs Willacy, Mrs Smith, Mrs Wood and Mrs North
This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.
PE Days: Tuesday and Friday
Week beginning 3rd February
We're almost at half term already. This week we have been excited to begin designing our emoji bag charm ready to start making next week. Its also been Children's Mental Health week. We have been thinking about how we make ourselves feel better. Each day we have completed some short activities that we could add to our mental health toolkit.
In well done assembly this week we have Iyla-Grace and Louie. Iyla-Grace put together a well thought out metal health kit including things like yoga and deep breathing. After a rocky few weeks, Louie has had a great week. He is trying to hard to regulate his emotions and control his reactions to others. Well done both!
Our Always Person this week was Alannah - a silver badge!
Week beginning 27th January
This week we have been writing our own myths, and as part of National Storytelling week, we have shared a new Greek Myth each day. Year 3 have really enjoyed hearing about Persephone, Icarus and Daedalus to name a few.
In well done assembly this week we had Kobe and George. Kobe drew some fabulous emoji's as part of our DT work. George has been so enthusiastic for writing his myth and he has tried so hard. Well done boys!
Our Always person this week was Isla.
Week beginning 20th January
Heaven was in well done assembly this week as she has been trying so hard in maths lessons. Our always person was Iyla-Grace.
Week Beginning 13th January 2025
Its been an interesting start back to the Spring term. Last week the snow caused so much disruption and so this week has been our first week back as a full class. Its been Art week and we have spent lots of time looking at the painting 'Starry Night' by Vincent Van Gogh. We used squeegees and paint to recreate this famous piece of artwork. Our work was on display in the art week gallery (pictures below).
Well Done Assembly
This week in well done Assembly we had a group of children. Alannah, Leela, Honey, Margarida, Peter and L'Omarnye had done such a wonderful job working together to recreate the painting that I couldn't choose one person. Well done to everybody.
Our Always Person this week was Lilah.
Parents joining us for Art Week activities and our lovely gallery
Fun with maths!
Week beginning 16th December
The week before the Christmas holidays has been filled with lots of fun and festive activities. We have enjoyed house meetings, class reading swaps, a yummy Christmas dinner, the pupil of the term assembly and then a fabulous sing-a-long.
Our pupils of the term for the Autumn term were Leonie and Justin. Both children are brilliant role models in our class and are kind and helpful to everybody. They are always doing their best and even when they struggle they try their hardest to remain resilient.
Well done to Leonie and Justin.
Reading Raffle
Every half term we draw the reading raffle and the winner gets a new book. This half term the winner was Alannah. A well deserved winner, Alannah does lots of reading at home and so, puts a large amount of raffle tickets in the box.
Well done to Alannah.
Week Beginning 9th December
This week has been such an exciting week in school. We went to do a Skeleton Workshop at the Leeds Discovery Centre on Monday (pictures below), then we watched a pantomime on Tuesday. On Thursday afternoon our class governor Mr Pearce came to visit and to help us make our vegetable cous-cous (pictures also below). We have also added our Christmas decorations to the school Christmas tree. We rounded off the week with our Christmas Jumper day.
Well done Assembly
In well done assembly this week we had Enzo and Keadey-Marie. Enzo always tries hard and even though he struggles with some things he tries to do his best as much as he can. Keadey-Marie was really good during our DT lesson yesterday. She was able to use a knife safely to cut up the vegetables to add to her cous-cous. Our Always person this week was Teddie.
Skeleton Workshop
Making vegetable cous-cous
Decorating the Christmas Tree
Week begininng 2nd December
This week we welcomed parents into our classroom to show them work we are proud of. We hope our parents enjoyed seeing everything we have been up to.
In Well Done Assembly we had Louie and L'Omarnye. Louie gave a cracking explanation in maths about why quarter past on an analogue clock is 15 on a digital clock, and L'Omarnye has come back to school from a few days off with a brilliant attitude. Well done boys!
Week beginning 29th November
In Well Done Assembly this week was Honey and Roimot. Honey has been super helpful to the new member of our class and Roimot always tries her best to do the right thing. Well done girls.
Week beginning 18th November
This week we have been writing setting descriptions in our English lessons. Ellis and Lilah wrote fabulous descriptions and so Mrs Hawcroft chose them for well done assembly.
Week beginning 4th November 2024
What a fabulous first week back we have had in year 3. Please do have a look at the pictures below which show our settings hunt and the sculptures we made. We each designed a sculpture based on a word that represented our school. The children came up with some brilliant ideas, such as caring, friendship and playful.
Well done assembly
This week in well done assembly we had Roger and Trinity. Both children have come back from a half term holiday with a new attitude, and have worked especially hard on following instructions and being mindful of their behaviour. Our always person this week was Keadey-Marie.
Setting Descriptions
Autumn Half Term book raffle.
Lilah was the winner of our book raffle today. Children who read at home get a raffle ticket each time to be put in our box. At the end of the half term one ticket is drawn out and the winner wins a book.
Week Beginning 21st October
This week we have celebrated those children who behave well. On Thursday afternoon we took part in a Halloween craft session where me made Pumpkins and Bats.
Well Done Assembly
Leela and Alannah were in well done assembly this week. Leela did some brilliant column addition and subtraction and Alannah wrote a fabulous rhyming poem.
Ariana was our Always person today.
Week beginning 14th October
This has been a really busy week for year 3. We went on our trip to Leeds Museum and visited the Leeds Mummy. Then on Thursday we took part in Harry Potter day.
Well Done Assembly
This week we celebrated the whole class in well done assembly. They behaved so well and listened to instructions. They took part in a workshop and learned how to mummify a body.
Trip to Leeds Museum
Our class photo from Harry Potter Book Day.
Week beginning 7th October
This week in science we had great fun measuring each others heads to find out if the skulls of females are larger than males.
Well Done Assembly
This week we had Leonie and Isla in well done assembly. Leonie has tried really hard to master column addition and Isla always tries her best in whatever she does. Our Always person this week was Rosie.
Week Beginning 30th October
This week we have enjoyed 2 workshops. On Monday we took part in a story making workshop run by the British library and then on Thursday we had a fabulous time making carnival rides using Lego. Please have a look at some of the pictures below. We had a brilliant time at both workshops.
Well Done Assembly
This week the focus for well done assembly was Computing as it is National Coding Week. Mir and Justin were chosen for their team work and brilliant coding during our Lego workshop. Both boys also fully engage in our computing lessons. Our Always person was Leela.
A selection of photos from our Lego Workshop
Week Beginning 23rd September
We have had a fabulous time in our skateboarding workshop this week. We have also begun working on our entries to the book fair competition.
Well Done Assembly
This weeks well done assembly was all about English. Alannah was chosen for her fabulous character description.
Our Always person was Leela.
Just a selection of photos from our Skateboarding Workshop
Week Beginning 16th September
This week we have been designing our own characters based on the monster from the story Not Now Bernard. We have written some fabulous descriptions.
Well Done Assembly
This week's assembly was all about celebrating Maths. Kobe and Rosie were chosen for their efforts in our maths lessons, not just this week but always!
Our always person this week was Luca.
Week beginning 9th September.
This week we began our history topic of Ancient Egypt. We talked about timelines and were blown away by how long ago the people of Ancient Egypt lived. We went outside and made a giant timeline in the gazebo.
Well done assembly.
This week we had Luca and Margarida in well done assembly. Both children had shown fantastic resilience in different ways. Well done !
Our Always Person this week is Leonie.
Week beginning 2nd September 2024
Our first week back in school has been brilliant. We have spent our time getting used to being back and learning all the new routines of being in Key Stage 2. We have done lots of group work including Mission Number sequence where the class had to work in teams to bamboozle other teams on their table with different number sequences and missing numbers. We have also been learning about our class artist Barbara Hepworth. We have looked at her sculptures and compared them to the work of Andy Goldsworthy. Then we had lots of discussion about which sculptures were our favourites and why.
Well Done Assembly
The children in well done assembly this week were Teddie and Iyla-Grace. Both have had a fabulous start to year 3. Our Always person this week is Alannah. Well done!
Welcome to Year 3!
We have had a fabulous first day back in school. Please see our welcome back newsletter below.
Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 3 have experienced since starting school.