Year 2
Welcome to Year Two
Taught by Miss Sykes, Mr Cattermoul, Mrs Gibbs, Mrs McElhatton and Miss Channa
This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.
PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Art Week!
17th January
This week we enjoyed Art Week! We practised drawing snowflakes and then worked hard on improving them using the Austin's Butterfly method. We then drew our snowflakes on white card using white crayons and painted over them with watercolours to make some resistant art! We loved seeing our snowflakes magically appear.
We have also been looking at features of non-fiction texts in English and place value in Maths. In History we began to learn about Florence Nightingale and her work.
Estimating on number lines
Sarina was the winner of our reading raffle this half term 😊 📕 📖
Toy day with our new donated toys !
Santa Visit 🎅
Year 2 have all worked extremely hard on their bookmarks in Design and Technology. They have really improved their sewing skills and some children even choose to keep practising at choosing time!
Practising a running stitch
Class Reading Swap
Road Safety ⛔️🚗🚧✋🚦
Finding half in the snow ❄️🌨️⛄️
Dividing by 2
Repeated addition (10’s)
We ❤️ our new KS1 reading shed 👍
Week commencing 20th October
Kacper was in well done assembly this week for being an excellent mathematician and getting the highest score on his arithmetic test. Sarina was in well assembly for learning tricky words at home 😊.
Our always person was Mylie who earned herself a Silver badge! Well done.
Halloween crafts
Year 2 enjoyed their class reward of extra play time with parachute games for filling their star jar!
Reading with year 6!
Harry Potter Day broomsticks!
Recycled bags for recycling week
Lego coding workshop
Farnley Hall Park
Week beginning 27th September
Well done to Mohammed and Melissa for being in well done assembly for their English work
Melissa had a double whammy this week, as she was also our Always Person!
Week commencing 9th September
Another great week in Year 2. We have enjoyed learning about animals and other living things, The Three Little Pigs and asking questions about Farnley Hall. We have learnt more about our class artist, Berthe Morisot, and her style of art called 'impressionism'.
Brodie and Mylie C were in Well done assembly this week .
Kyle was our Always Person
Week commencing 2nd September
We have had a fantastic week in Year 2 😊 the children have done a great job learning new routines and settling into their new classroom.
Zeus and Ella-Rose were in Well Done assembly this week for their resilience in Art.
Miley was our Always Person.
Week Commencing: Monday 17th June 2024
Our Always Person was Mohammed
In Well Done assembly this week were Kyle for being a super mathematician solving times number problems, and Ella-Rose for her increased confidence and independence in class
Week Commencing: Monday 20th May 2024
Our Gold Always Person this week was Ariana
In Well Done assembly we’re Brodie for his independent writing of a character description of the martian and Sarina for her effort in class and progress with her phonics
Week Commencing: Monday 6th May 2024
Our Always Person this week was Rowan
In Well Done assembly we’re Oliwia for her improved focus and effort in class, particularly in phonics and Ariana for her super writing of the beginning of The Way Back Home story
Week Commencing: Monday 29th April 2024
Our Always Person this week was Ella-Rose
In Well Done assembly we’re Phoebe for her brilliant computing coding, including fixing an incorrect code and Ryan for his super attitude in class and the progress he has made, particularly with phonics and writing independently
Week Commencing: Monday 22nd April 2024
In Well Done assembly we’re Zendaya for her brilliant spring artwork using printing and painting techniques and Mylie for her improvement with her writing
Week Commencing: Monday 15th April 2024
Our Always Person this week was William
In Well Done assembly we’re Rowan and Ella-Rose, who both started at our school just before the holidays, for being so kind and polite and settling in so well to their new Year 1 class
Wow, what a blast we’ve had in our first week back! It’s been circus week at school and Year 1 have throughly enjoyed it. We loved watching the circus skills assembly and then getting to do our own circus skill workshop. We’ve watched some circus clips of trapeze acts and did some of our own trapeze acrobat art work. We also watched some ribbon twirling skill clips and had a go at learning how to ribbon twirl. On Thursday we had a visit from the Piñata Smashlings. We enjoyed meeting 2 of the characters, having a music lesson with some of the staff from Tokido and then having a piñata party! On Friday we enjoyed showcasing what we’ve been learning this week in a special circus assembly - and watching what other classes have been upto!
What a fab half term we've had in Year 1! The class have really impressed me with how enthusiastic they have been and how hard they have all worked. We've learnt all about the Great Fire of London in History and made Tudor houses in D and T. We've learnt about materials in science and discussed keeping healthy in PSHE and learnt some new playground games that are played around the world. We've been practising lots of ball skills in PE and have enjoyed doing some dance lessons too. In RE we've learnt about belonging to different groups, including Christianity and Islam. The class enjoyed our story Handa's surprise and did really well writing parts of the story.
This last week we've had lots of Easter fun, creating baskets, making crispy buns and writing instructions of how to make them. We loved our class treat of an Easter egg hunt and loved watching Cobden's Got Talent on Thursday.
Have a lovely well deserved rest over Easter Year 1 - I'm excited to see you all back for the Summer Term!
Pictures to follow...
Week Commencing: Monday 18th March 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Sarina
In Well Done assembly this week were Lucca for his super maths work, adding a single-digit to a 2-digit number and Oliwia for her super creativity and teamwork in our PE dance lessons
Week Commencing: Monday 11th March 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Kelsie
In Well Done assembly this week were Ariana and Star for their great discussions and understanding during Science week
Week Commencing: Monday 4th March 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Star
In Well Done assembly this week were Felicity and Zeus for their fabulous drawings and writing about their favourite books.
Week Commencing: Monday 26th February 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Felicity
In Well Done assembly this week were Melissa for her super drawing and labelling of healthy and unhealthy food in PSHE and Miley A for her creative writing to deepen the moment in English
Week Commencing: Monday 19th February 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Star
In Well Done assembly this week were William for his enthusiasm, effort and progress with his reading and building words; and Elisa for improved independence and 'having a go' in maths and English lessons this week.
Week Commencing: Monday 5th February 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Kyle
In Well Done assembly this week were Kelsie for applying herself well in class and showing good progress due to this and Ryan for settling into school really well after joining us last Friday
Week Commencing: Monday 29th January 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Melissa
In Well Done assembly this week were Phoebe for her super science work labelling features of a bird and Zeus for his great number sense during Maths Mastery
Art Week
This week has been art week in school with a theme of using art for our mental health. The children enjoyed doing some mindfulness line art and making collages by ripping paper and gluing it down to make a picture. The children also drew pictures of things that make them happy and we collated them together to create a ‘things that make us happy’ class picture. The children thoroughly enjoyed doing the art with parents and siblings on Friday. Thank you to those who came in.
Week Commencing: Monday 22nd January 2024
Our Silver Always Person this week was Miley A
In Well Done assembly this week were Kacper and Star for their fantastic mindfulness art work as part of art week
A Visit for the Education Ambulance
Week Commencing: Monday 15th January 2024
Our Always Person this week was Sarina
In Well Done assembly this week were Archie and Mylie C for their fantastic 3D art work and also for applying themselves well in class
Year 1 had so much fun in their Skateboarding Workshop
Week Commencing: Monday 8th January 2024
Our Always Person this week was Kacper
In Well Done assembly this week were Sarina and Brodie for showing a good attitude and applying themselves well in class
Week Commencing: Monday 18th December 2023
⭐️ Our pupils of the term for this half term were Phoebe and Star for always being focussed, kind, polite and applying themselves well in everything they do
Week Commencing: Monday 11th December 2023
Our Silver Always Person was Ariana
In Well Done Assembly this week we’re Archie for his creativity and drawing and Kyle for his independence with writing
Week Commencing: Monday 4th December 2023
Our Always Person this week was Oliwia
In Well Done assembly this week we’re Miley A for her brilliant writing and lovely history work on her inspirational person and Ariana for her creativity and purposeful making
Week Commencing: Monday 20th November 2023
Our Always Person this week was Archie
In Well Done Assembly this week were Lucca for his enthusiasm and improved focus and Tilly for her great attitude to class activities
Karate Taster Workshop
Year 1 had a great time in their Karate Workshop
Andy Goldsworthy inspired natural artwork and Remembrance Day poppies
Week Commencing: Monday 6th November 2023
Our Always Person this week was Kelsie
In Well Done Assembly this week were Melissa for her great attitude and improved confidence in class and Mylie C for her super attitude and good addition and subtraction in maths
History Week - dress up day
Week Commencing: Monday 23rd October 2023
Our Always Person this week was Felicity
In Well Done Assembly this week were Kyle for his great personal timeline and Zendaya for her great research and sharing of knowledge of Katherine Johnson (her inspirational historical person)
Recycling Week - piggy bank plastic bottles
Week Commencing: Monday 16th October 2023
Our Always Person this week was Kyle
In Well Done Assembly this week were William for his enthusiasm in class and super name writing and Oliwia for her brilliant maths work on finding number bonds of a number
Week Commencing: Monday 9th Octber 2023
Our Always Person this week was Phoebe
In Well Done Assembly this week were Brodie for his brilliant maths work on part-whole models and Elisa for her super balancing and making shapes in PE
Week Commencing: Monday 2nd October 2023
Our Always Person this week was Star
In Well Done Assembly this week were Kelsie for her great effort in class and Felicity on her super Geography work on her local area
Week Commencing: Monday 25th September 2023
Our Always Person this week was Ariana
In Well Done Assembly this week were Archie for showing a good attitude and trying hard in class and Kacper for his super work using adjectives to describe items in Little Red Riding Hood's treat basket for her Grandma
Lego Workshop - great collaboration, following instructions, coding, building and creating by all!
Week Commencing: Monday 18th September 2023
Our Always Person this week was Melissa
In Well Done Assembly this week were Zendaya and Star for their great contributions and utilisation if their skills during coding week
Week Commencing: Monday 11th September 2023
In Well Done Assembly were Miley A for a super attitude in class and Phoebe for her great maths. Both these children have also been doing super messaging in class using their independent writing skills
Week Commencing: Tuesday 5th September 2023
A warm welcome to Year One, we have had a lovely first week back and are so proud of how well the children have settled into the new school year.
Our Always Person this week was Miley A
Our Well Done certificates were awarded to Ariana for being an all round superstar in class and Zeus for his super writing
Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 2 have experienced since starting school.