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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2


Staff team: Mrs Bean, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Smith and Miss Gibbs


This page will contain class newsletters, photos of interesting activities and useful links.


PE Days: Tuesday and Thursday

Week commencing 1st July 2024


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Enzo and Justin.

Both for an amazing effort in Sports Day, Enzo for his performance in football dribble and Justin for his participation in the obstacle race.  

😃 Our always person this week is Eniola


Week commencing 19th February 2024


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Ariana and Isla.

Ariana for an amazing effort in all lessons, especially in DT.

Isla for growing in confidence especially in reading. 

😃 Our always person this week is Kobe.


Week commencing 5th February 2024


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Leela and Kobe.

Leela for amazing confidence in class assembly and putting 100% into everything she does. Kobe also for amazing confidence in class assembly and showing pride in himself. 

😃 Our always person this week is Leela. 


😃 The winner of the reading at home raffle this term was L'Omarnye.




Week commencing 29th January 2024


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Alannah and Iyla Grace.  Alannah for amazing understanding of maths concepts, to be able to add 2 digit numbers. Iyla Grace for conquering her fears and using all PE equipment.

😃 Our always person this week is Leonie. 

Week commencing 22nd January 2024


This week, we had a visit from Andrew, a paramedic that spoke to us about his job and how he keeps himself safe. The children also had chance to try on paramedic clothing and ask Andrew questions.


Well done assembly this week has been a celebration of Art Week and the work produced.

We celebrated the fantastic artwork from L’Omarnye and Lilah.

The always person was Ariana.


Week commencing 15th January 2024

This week we have had a visit from the education ambulance. This is related to our topic History, and influential people. We will be looking at Florence Nightingale and the changes from Victorian times to now. In maths we have been learning about multiplication and division. Our counting and times table focus at the moment is the two time table.


In Well done assembly this week were

Ellis for his caring temperament that he is showing to others.

Leonie for huge improvements in her handwriting.


Always person this week was Alannah.

Well done, we are so proud of you!



Happy New Year! 🎉
Week commencing 8th January 2024


😀 Our Well done certificates were awarded to Peter and Teddie. Both of these pupils have had great attendance, made lots of progress in their work and their confidence.

😃 Our always person this week is Ellis.

Week commencing 18th December 2023


😀 Our Pupils of the term were Lilah and Luca. Both of these pupils have achieved excellent progress this term and we are very proud of them both.

😃 Our reading at home raffle winner was Justin



Wishing all our pupils and their families and very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  Enjoy the holidays!
Best Wishes Mrs Bean, Mrs Smith and Miss Gibbs 🎄🎅🏼☃️❄️

Week commencing 11th December 2023


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Luca and Trinity. Luca for being resilient and giving 100% in her work and coming on leaps and bounds with his reading.

Trinity for coming back from Stepping Stones and participating in class well.

😃 Our always person this week is Margarida.

Week commencing 4th December 2023


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Eniola and Rosie. Eniola for settling into class in her first week. Rosie for being resilient and giving 100% in her work and being a good talking partner.

😃 Our always person this week was Teddie

Christmas arrives in Year 2 ! 🎅🏼❄️🎄☃️


Week commencing 27th November 2023. 


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Leela for amazing handwriting and progress in spellings and Isla for amazing progress in her 10 x times tables.

😃 Our always person this week was Luca

Week commencing 20th November 2023


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Honey and George for being resilient and progressing so much in their work.

😃 Our always person this week was Enzo

Week commencing 13th November 2023 - Anti Bullying Week


No assembly this week as Teacher Training Day

Week commencing 6th November 2023


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Margarida and Ariana for being kind and caring individuals.

😃 Our always person this week was Leonie.

Week commencing 23rd October 2023

History Week


😀 Our Well done certificates this week were awarded to Leela and Mir for showing a real interest in History week.


😁 Our always person this week is Lilah


😃 Dressing up for History week. Class winner, George as Albert Einstein 


🎃 Pumpkin carving in table groups. 🎃


Week commencing 16th October 2023

Recycle Week




😀 Our Well done certificates were awarded to Alannah and Keadey-Marie.
Alannah for her amazing attitude to learning and her wonderful sock puppet design and creation and also Keadey-Marie for growing in confidence over this week.


😁 Our always person this week is Ariana




Week commencing 9th October 2023


😀 Our Well done certificates were awarded to Iyla-Grace and Justin for giving 100% in lessons, especially in English with their amazing sentence writing. 

😄 Our Always person this week is Rosie.

Week commencing 2nd October 2023


😄 Our Well done certificates were awarded to L’Omarnye and Enzo for their relationship building in class with both pupils and staff.

 😄 Our Always person this week is Keadey-Marie

Week commencing 25th September 2023


😄 Our Well done certificates were awarded to Kobe and Lilah, for amazing work in maths, counting in 2’s. 

 😄 Our Always person this week is Alannah

Week commencing 18th September 2023


smiley Our Well done certificates were awarded to Skyla and Roger, for great work during this weeks Lego Workshop. Both showed lots of concentration and participation.

smiley Our Always person this week is Justin



 Week Commencing Monday 11th September 2023


 smiley Our Well Done certificates this week were awarded to Ellis and Leonie for applying themselves well in class

 smiley Our Always person this week was Peter

 smiley Our Well Done certificates were awarded to Louie for a great start to Year 2 and Keadey-Marie for super writing.

Below are some of the exciting memories that children who are currently in Year 2 have experienced since starting school.
